Step 3 - Sailing

Step 3 is sailing in the scriptures to where the buried treasure is.  To sail in the scriptures you surf over the scripture block reading it first, and then coming to understand the content and contex of what you read.   An understanding of such information as background and story line creates a basis for discovering gospel principles and doctrines as well as providing illustration and clarification of those truths found within the scripture block.  Understanding the background and setting of a scripture passage prepares you to recognize the gospel messages it contains.  When reading the scriptures, it is useful to ask questions like: "Who wrote these verses?" "To whom were they written?" "What is happening in this account?" and "Why did the author write these verses?"  Chapter headings provide an overview of the main events in the chapter and often answer these questions.  It is also helpful to look up difficult or unfamiliar words in a dictionary.   When a phrase or passage of scripture is unclear, referring to any available footnotes or commentary can help you understand it better. 

To read more about Sailing in the Scriptures click here to go to the "Understand the Content and Context" section in the Gospel Teaching and Learning Manuel

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