Step 4 - Snorkeling

Step 4 is lowering the anchor and going snorkeling in the scripture ocean by identifying the doctrines and principles found in the scripture block.  After sailing in the scriptures, you are ready to do what Elder Holland said to do in his quote at the top of this blog.  His challenge is to go deeper into what you just read, and see if anything is reflecting off the scripture ocean floor that could be the buried treasure God wants to lead you too.  Doctrines and principles are eternal, unchanging gospel truths that provide direction for our lives.  The ancient prophets teach us these truths through the events, stories, or sermons they recorded in the scriptures.

Elder Richard G. Scott said,"Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances.  A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and compelling circumstances.  It is worth great effort to organize the truth we gather to simple statements of principle" ("Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge," Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86).

Some gospel principles are made clear by the use of phrases such as "thus we see" or "nevertheless."  Most principles  however, are not stated directly.  Instead they are illustrated by the lives of the people in the scriptures.  These doctrines and principles can be discovered by asking yourself questions like: "What is the moral or point of this account?"  Why did the writer include this account or event " "Why did the writer include this account or event " "What did the author intend for us to learn?" "What truths are taught in this passage of scripture?" and "What can I liken to myself or a modern context from this scripture block?"

To learn more about Snorkeling in the scriptures click here to go to the "Identify Doctrines and Principles" section in the Gospel Teaching and Learning Manuel. [2.5.1]

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