Step 7 - Bring Treasure up to the Surface and Cash it in for "Change"

Step 7 - Discovering and opening the treasure at the bottom of the scripture ocean floor does not benefit you much until you bring your treasure to the surface and cash it in for change.  Step 7 is wrapping a chain around your treasured impressions and applying the doctrines and principles found.  After you have identified and understand the doctrines and principles, then understood, analyzed and illustrated the principle, you are ready to act and do something about them.  

Write out a specific plan of what you are going to do to act on what you feel the Lord is whispering to you.  Answer the question, "how are you going to take this scripture block and apply it to your daily life."  Pray if you are not coming up with anything and, ask God to tell us what he would like you to specifically know or do.  What you write needs to be specific and needs to be able to be measured, because you are going to check on our progress and the "change" you receive.  Every time you come back to your scripture treasure hunt journal look over what we you put down from previous treasure hunts, and write a follow up on how things are going and what you need to do to keep working at applying what you felt the Lord was trying to tell you.  If we are not satisfied with how much "change" you receive then try a different approach to cash in your treasured feelings.

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