
Follow these 7 steps to go deeper in your scripture study and to go treasure hunting in the Word of God.  
(Click on the pictures to learn more)

Step 1 - "Set Sail"
Step 6 - Open up the Treasure Chest
Feel the truth and importance of your main point, truth, principle, or doctrine by first writing out a personal witnesses or experiences you have had in your life or with family, or friends that lets your heart feel the importance of what is being discovered.  Also write out these questions: "What am I feeling not just thinking?"  "What impressions have been coming to my mind?"  "What do I feel the Lord is whispering to me right now?  What is the Lord wanting me to know or do?"  "What spiritual impressions have I received to help me improve?"   "What difference can these principle make in my life?"  "What can I start or stop doing to live according to these truths."  "How will my life be better if I took these feelings to action?"

Step 7 - Bring Treasure to the Surface and Cash it in for Change
Treasure at the bottom of ocean doesn't do you any good if you think about it.  End by writing out a specific plan of what you are going to do to apply and act on what you feel the Lord is whispering to you.  How are you going to take this scripture block and apply it to your daily life?  Pray about it even and make sure it is something specific that can be measured.  Write out your "plan" for the next week and check back on this step often to answer the last question which is how is the progress and the "change" you are receiving for the treasure you found with this scripture block.  If you are not satisfied with how much change you get then make a new plan and try a different way to cash in your treasured feelings. Try not to lose the excitement you felt when you felt the WORD OF GOD.  

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